
Benjamin and kirsten Watson

Changing the World, One Family at a Time

Partner with The Watson Seven Foundation to help strengthen families by enriching marriages and equipping parents so they are empowered with opportunities to thrive and impact their community.

Enriching Marriages

Equipping parents

maximizing mission

The Watson Seven Foundation exists to strengthen families by enriching marriages and empowering parents through the investment of their spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being, providing them with opportunities to thrive.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHOmBV4js_E
Watson family
Benjamin and Kirsten WatsonThe Watson Seven Foundation, founded in 2023, is an extension of the personal mission of former NFL tight end Benjamin Watson and his wife Kirsten Watson to strengthen families. As a 501(c)3 public charity, the foundation is dedicated to supporting existing organizations and initiating programs that embody the Watson family’s heartfelt mission of carrying the love and hope of Christ to one more.

Families are the building blocks of civilization. Yet, there is a declining emphasis on family in our society.

It is widely recognized that families in America have become increasingly fragmented due to problems like divorce, abuse, apathy, shame, feelings of inadequacy, the list goes on. The consequences are profound. We are continually confronted with the challenges faced by struggling parents, fractured marriages, and disconnected children. As a result, we are all feeling the collective weight of the aftermath.

The Results are Staggering

DivorceIn the U.S. alone, nearly 50% of all marriages end in divorce.
Single MomsToday 1 in 5 children under the age of 18 — a total of about 15.7 million children are being raised without a father.
Mental HealthMore than 60% of college students meet the criteria for at least one mental health problem—a nearly 50% increase since 2013.Culture has been trying to solve cyclical issues like crime, poverty, mental health, and injustice through methods often serving as temporary bandages for our fractured society. This isn’t how God intended it to be.

We Believe Change Starts Closer than you think.

God’s divine plan encompasses a grander vision for the way families were meant to thrive. With this understanding, the Watson Seven Foundation is dedicated to playing a role in breaking the cycle of brokenness, believing that the transformation our world requires must begin at home.

picture of family

If We Create Stronger Families

We can reduce poverty.

We can reduce crime.

We can reduce depression and suicide.

How We Help

The Watson Seven Foundation aims to make a sizable impact by strategically partnering with faith-based organizations to create a network of impact focused on strengthening families by giving them opportunities to thrive.

Over the course of our marriage, change has been a major part of our lives. However, regardless of our location, we know that ‘home’ is where we are all together carrying out the mission God has for our family.
THe Watsons

mother and daughter

What We’re Creating

Over the past few years, God has been expanding our vision for how we can maximize our influence. We are driven to foster unity among organizations, families, and individuals, dedicated to the shared mission of strengthening families, tangibly and spiritually. Today, we are raising support so that The Watson Seven Foundation can lay a foundation to create the following:

Marriage Retreats and Family Camps

Relationships flourish when they receive intentional investment. The W7 Foundation aims to curate meaningful experiences, offering married couples and families opportunities to retreat, spend quality time together, and deepen their bonds with one another and the Lord.

Give Back Initiatives

Through its ONE MORE initiatives, The W7 Foundation aims to create a significant impact by strategically partnering with faith-based organizations that align with The Watson Seven’s goal of strengthening families. These partnerships focus on providing families with opportunities to thrive.

Online Resources

The W7 Foundation will create inspiring content filled with engaging resources which provide practical tools to support, encourage, and equip families.

How You Can Help


Begin praying for the families we help, and how God may be calling you to be personally involved.

Become a Prayer Partner

Become a
Prayer Partner


Through a one-time or recurring monthly donation, your support will help make these family events and resources possible.

Give Online


Are you an organization whose mission aligns with The W7 Foundation? Contact us to learn more about a potential partnership.

Partner with the W7

with the W7

We all have something to give. Will you join us as we embark on this mission to spread the love and hope of Jesus to families in need?

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